January 06, 2017

New Legal Thriller Novel for Christmas Gift

This is the right time to start thinking about the Christmas gifts and off course, you need to find the right gift for the particular person you want to send the gift. This can be quite challenging and also very delicate matter. You need to understand the passion and also the interest of that person to help you find the right gift. Off course you will also need to consider how much budget you have.

New Legal Thriller Novel for Christmas Gift
Source : Amazon.com

Giving a gift so someone special is a good thing but it doesn’t mean you must be burdened with it. It would be a great thing to have someone special with a passion in reading book because we can easily know the perfect gift to find.

Yes, there’s no better gift for a book lover than a good book to read. It is true that even book lovers have diverse interests about what kind of book they like. But at least, you know where to start to find the right gift. You will really love to know that Amazon has a great selection of books to choose. If you are looking for fiction in thriller and suspense genre, a new novel from John Grisham, The Whistler, will be a great one to choose.

There’s no hesitation when it comes to John Grisham’s novel. He is known among the best writers in legal thriller genre. Most of his novels are best sellers with big appreciation from the critics. His novels are known for accurate picture of legal system, strong plot and character, and interesting storyline. The new novel The Whistler is about the dark side of the legal system in Florida. The story is focusing to an investigator in Boar on Judicial Conduct handling a case that a judge is alleged using his position to stole money. As the investigation digs deeper, it becomes a dangerous case and even a deadly one. Like any other Grisham’s novel, this one offers thrilling plots and big surprises.

The Whistler is another classic work of John Grisham and everyone who love legal thriller will definitely like it very much. This novel is currently offered in Amazon at special price. You can choose from hardcover or paperback edition. There’s also an option of digital edition for Kindle available there. Don’t miss this good opportunity and this special offer. Order it today and get it on time for a Christmas gift for someone special.
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