January 12, 2017

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success

Every person indeed has innate talent that is different from others’. This is the reason why many people rigorously attempt to uncover what their true talent is and to invest in it once they discover it. However, believing that this inborn talent is fixed and that you can rely on it to achieve success is fallacious. Through his book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol S. Dweck asserts that there is no fixed talent.

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Source : Amazon.com

It is dynamic and must be approached using dynamic mindset. Parents, teachers and mentors who are dealing with children are expected to be able to guide them to develop growth mindset that helps them achieve success by constantly developing their skill and talent.  http://amzn.to/2el3tEC

Dweck asserts that people with fixed mindset are less likely to flourish than those with growth mindset. People who believe that their talent is already determined by their genes and destiny will find it harder to reach the goals of their life. People with fixed mindset believe that no matter how rigorous their effort is to develop their skill, they will eventually have to submit to their destiny. As a consequence, the door to success is more difficult for them to offer.

People with growth mindset, on the other hand, have better chance to shape a better future. People with growth mindset don’t believe that talent is like a lottery that has been drawn even before they are born. People with growth mindset believe that skills, talent and knowledge are like muscles. They can be developed with constant learning, training and actualization of the self. For them, genes and destiny play only a minimal role in shaping their future. Their effort and approach to reach their goals is the strongest determinant that helps them achieve success.

Growth mindset can be cultivated since childhood. Parents and teachers have all necessary abilities and resources to help their children and students develop this mindset. The book authored by Dweck is just one powerful tool to unleash such abilities and to guide parents and teachers to help children in their learning activities. Some of the goals of this book are to make learning activities more enjoyable and to make growth mindset easier to master. Some people may have superior genes when they are born, but the way they develop their trait is in the end the most determining factor that makes them true achievers. Dweck’s solution-oriented book will help you understand this concept better.

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