December 04, 2016

Magical Method to Discipline Your Kid

As parent is your obligation to guide your kids, so they can become fine and good adult in the future. And, you need to start it when they are still young. However, we can say that this is what we call the most problematic age of your kid. You must be familiar with kid that talking back, don’t want to go to sleep and hate doing cores. Or, in simplest way, they are lack of discipline. 1-2-3 Magic: 3-Step Discipline for Calm, Effective, and Happy Parenting is the book that tries to help parents to solve that problem. The creator of this book is Dr. Thomas W. Phelan. He is expert, author and lecturer on child discipline as well as Attention Deficit Disorder.

Magical Method to Discipline Your Kid :: Best Book
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About The Book

The book consist of special program that Dr. Phelan create from his two decades practices and research to parenting your kids, so they will have better discipline, awareness of their position as kid and of course, grow good behavior. There are basically three goals that you can get from using the guide from this book. They are your kid will be able to control their emotion. This means they won’t get the negative behavior. Next, your kid will have good behavior. Then, the last but also the most important is creating good relationship with you, as parent, and your kid. The last point is very important, because most of method that related to discipline your kid will end up with bad relationship between parent and their children. 

The Good

Many parents found that every technique that you can find on this book can be used on any problems that you found. And, Dr. Phelan describes it quite easily, so, you as parent won’t have any problem to use the method. The most important thing, all those methods will lead you to have happier family.

The Problems

Unfortunately, the methods that you can find in this book aren’t perfect or suitable for all parents, which is understandable. Many parents say that the method here is too old fashioned. But, we can say that it depends on how you use the book. If you use it like instruction manual, you won’t get the result. Just use it as inspiration, because the one that know more about your kid is you, the parents. 

You can get the Kindle or paperback version of this book from the store. The price is affordable and it was worth to have.

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