December 09, 2016

A Moving Story

If you like to read poetry, then you should know poetry entitled There is No Frigate like a Book. It is true because once you open the first page; you have been in a different place. You will suddenly be on the land where the author brings you. It is always interesting to read a novel, a novel is written not only to tell a story about love but also life and everything that can happen in life.

A Moving Story :: Best Book
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When talking about life, we also talk about how people react to the problems that they are facing. People’s reaction has become very important especially because it will show the values that they embrace. One novel discussing such story is Jodi Picoult’s novel, Small Great Things which gives depiction about an important issue in America. Here are some things which will make you fall in love with this novel.

It Teaches Us to Think

Thinking is one thing that we have to do before we do something. It relates to what consequences it will bring and whether it will be good and right for us and for others. The novel depicted Ruth who is half African and half American. She is a nurse and she enjoys her everyday routines. Yet, when she had to learn the fact that one white supremacist has ordered her not to touch his baby, she is faced with a challenge. The baby is in critical condition but she is having doubts.

She soon becomes the suspect with a charge of not handling the dying baby well. Small Great Things makes us think critically, is it Ruth’s mistake or the baby’s father’s? This makes us realize how it is sometimes easy for a person to blame someone else especially when he or she thinks that other people’s race is lower than his or her. It also tells us how a person sometimes has to fight hard in order to get the justice. 

It Emphasizes the Most Essential Topic Happening Worldwide

Many people love Small Great Things because they are aware that the topic raised in the novel is happening worldwide. Racism may not be found in every part of the world, but it may also happen in most other parts of the world. It causes separation indeed. This novel touches the human’s soul and hearts, making us reflect on what we have done and on what has happened.

The struggles that Ruth and her lawyer have done may not only represent the struggles of some people in America, but also the struggles that other people in other parts of the world is doing. Through her own way, Jodi Picoult manages to raise the topic about racism which most people prefer not to be talked about in a four hundred and eighty one paged novel which is also available in hardcover version.
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