December 03, 2016

A Guide for Right Parenting Method

Every parent will always see their kid as the kid. This case happens mostly today. However, this perspective is definitely wrong. Your kid will grow and become adult. And, if you don’t prepare them soon, they will have problem when they try to enter to society and real life. This is what we call as over parenting trap. This book tries to help parents to deal with this problem. How to Raise an Adult: Break Free of the Overparenting Trap and Prepare Your Kid for Success help many parents to prepare their kid for their adult life. The book creator, Julie Lythcott-Haims has successfully ripe lot of good reviews for this book. 

A Guide for Right Parenting Method :: Best Book
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About The Book

In this book, Lythcott-Haims did lot of research and interview with many educators, employers, admission officers and many others. She also wrote it by using her status as mother and student dean. Within the book, there are many techniques and guide that she developed from her research. This guide will help parents to prepare their kid to have high confidence as well as resilience in dealing with many problems in their life.

The book content seems great for parent that has younger kid. However, parent with children at their twentieth even more those who have teenage kids also can use this book to try different approach in parenting. Of course, the effect wouldn’t be instantly come up after they use the techniques. But, along the time, their kid can become much better person, dependable and of course, ready to have success in their life.

The Problems

The problem that most of reader will face is the author origin. Lythcott-Haims is dean on prestige university, Stanford University. Therefore, we can say that she came from high or elite social strata. This social class doesn’t reflect on most of the social class that need the book as the solution for the problem, which most of them came from other class. However, some people found it useful, even though it was written from the high social class perspective. They still can get inspiration and great idea about how to be a good parent with right parenting method to prepare their kid for success. So, for this problem we can say it depends on how you use the content in this book to deal with your problem.

The book itself is available in two different type, Kindle and hardcover. Choose any type that you want and you will have one of great guide for parenting.

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