November 11, 2016

In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs

Talks about entrepreneurs are mostly circulating around white males like Zuckerberg and Musk. With her book, In the Company of Women, Grace Bonney encourages us to put an end to such talks and to begin contemplating on some of the greatest achievements that some distinguished women on earth have successfully achieved.

Best Books :: In the Company of Women: Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs

Two important points are being conveyed by the book. First, it provides clear proofs that women are just as capable as men when it comes to performing miraculous jobs. Second, it provides inspiration to struggling women to fight for their survival and to achieve success. The book is so empowering that if you decide to build a list of 100 books that you must read before you die, this book must definitely be on the top of your list.

When you first come across the book, a gorgeous collage of photographs of women with their apparent confidence will greet you. The women you see on the cover are those whose stories, words and actions will become the core of the book. You will read about how their start their entrepreneurial journey, how they fall and bounce back, and how they finally make the biggest achievements in their life. Many of those women actually fall a lot more often than they gain ground, but their stories will reveal how perseverance—sometimes stubbornness—can truly yield a rewarding result.

The book allows you to get acquainted with some females whom we may call overachievers. They are not necessarily entrepreneurs like Karen Young, whom the book also features. Among them are writers like Tavi Gevinson, authors like Janet Mock, chefs like Preeti Mistry, designers like Cy Lauz, and academicians like Roxane Gay. There is a universe of diverse careers and professionalisms that the book covers and it attempts to show before us that in every field people find their livelihood in, there are always some great women who play their role as key players. So for every woman, regardless of her professional and leisure pursuit, this book can always become an inspiring book to help her get up and build her power and confidence to face this highly competitive world.

The author is not no one from nowhere. Grace Bonney is the owner of Design*Sponge who is featured on The Martha Stewart Show and NBC's The Chew, among others, and have successfully made a great leap from being an employee to being a business owner. Her bittersweet adventure is what realizes the publication of this book.
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