November 12, 2016

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide)–Fifth Edition

The survival of a business enterprise is determined among others by how valuable it is for stakeholders. It is project manager’s job to maintain such value and to constantly improve it. The stringent competition that is prevalent in the business world today requires every project manager and business executive to be capable to deal with the value improvement of their business.

The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) is designed to be a set of guidelines that every professional project manager must comprehend and master in order to reach their goals. The book that you are going to read here is the manual that guides you to reach better understanding of PMBOK concepts, theories and practices.

The current edition of the guide—the fifth one—has been circulating in both physical and online bookstores since 2013, but the entire effort started when a group of Project Management Institute (PMI) volunteers gathered in 1983 to formulate a set of project management guidelines that will later become a global concept implemented in almost every business and industrial field. Since then, a series of guides have already been published, including the first edition that was released right after the meeting, the second edition that was released in 2000, the third edition that includes some major changes and was released in 2004, and the fourth edition that was published in 2008.

Understanding the PMBOK concept is important for every project manager. Although the business world is never homogeneous and there are diverse fields of industry within, the concept is designed to be applicable to all. The concept is about the body of knowledge that is generally recognized as good practice in all business fields. Understanding and mastering this concept will help every project manager, regardless of their field of professionalism and position in their company, master proper skills, use the right tools, and implement the most suitable techniques to enhance the success of their projects.

The fifth edition of the PMBOK guide is essential especially for professionals who are planning to acquire certifications granted by the Project Management Institute. The institute is currently administering a number of certifications, the most notable of which are Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) and Project Management Professional (PMP) certifications. For professionals who are getting prepared for acquiring such certifications, this guide can provide them with all necessary assistance and useful strategies to pass the certification tests successfully.

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